The Delaware Soybean Board is dedicated to helping you understand Asian Soybean Rust and its implications on your farm operation.

Soybean rust has been confirmed in the continental United States. Although it cannot overwinter in Delaware, it is able to spread northward during the year. Delaware participates in the sentinel plot program along with many other states. This program provides an "early warning" system for our soybean growers.

Rust was confirmed as far north as the Eastern Shore of Virginia during 2006. If the disease is confirmed in any neighboring states south of Delaware during 2007, please consult the links on this site, Cooperative Extension, and/or your crop insurance representative as soon as possible for advice.

Growers who find plants with suspect symptoms should contact Faith Kuehn, Administrator, DDA Plant Industries, at 302-698-4000 or 800-282-8685. Visit the Delaware Department of Agriculture website for more local information on Rust and your state action plan.

For the United Soybean Board's web pages on rust, please click here.

For the USDA's APHIS (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service) website, click here.

For USDA's soybean rust pages, including maps, click here.

For industry information on rust, visit "Stop Soybean Rust" by clicking here.

The Mid-Atlantic Rust Guide produced by southern Mid-Atlantic States is available in PDF format by clicking here.

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